
Chinese New Year

We had a wonderful celebration of the Chinese New Year at AIS this week. Undoubtedly, the highlight of our Chinese New Year celebration was the assembly. Grade 8b’s Chinese New Year song of Gong Xi Gong Xi and Lion dance opened the Chinese New Year celebration followed by Grade 9a’s fun-filled puppet show for the story of The Great Race. The assembly ended with Grade 6b’s fabulous traditional Kung Fu Fan dance. Their performances involved writing scripts, dancing, singing, presenting and acting. The MYP students demonstrated their collaboration, cooperation and teamwork to make this assembly unique. The PYP students were also actively involved in the cultural activities: New Year Greeting cards, Word search, Chinese New year stories and New Year Kaboot. Throughout the activities, students enhanced their understanding of Chinese culture. The celebration came to an exciting conclusion with tasting Chinese snacks. 

Thank you to our guests Mr. Chang Quansheng and Mr. Li Hui from the Chinese embassy who joined us for our Chinese New Year celebration. Their presence added a special touch to the festivities and made the celebration even more memorable. 

Many thanks to all parents who ensured their children embraced the celebration by wearing the colour red. 

Thank you very much to the students and teachers for their hard work and dedication in making this event culturally beautiful.

Wishing all our families a happy and prosperous year of the Rabbit.



100 days of school

This week we celebrated the 100th day of school at AIS. Grade 2 students held a fashion show where they wore the number 100 in different, creative ways. 

This week in Grade 1 we took a trip to the Teknisk museum. We all had a great time exploring the museum and visiting the planetarium 

To finish the week and celebrate winter, the students in Grade 2, 3 and 4, had a special day filled with winter themed activities. They made bird feeders, had ice experiments, and even got to enjoy warm cacao with a story!

Daniela Ricaurte AIS 100DaysOfSchool


Where we are in place and time

At AIS we started 2023 with a bang! This unit focuses on “Where we are in place and time”, the students are going to be learning about space exploration, homes, explorers, revolutionaries and migration in the PYP. 

Our “See, think, wonder” chalk talk activities demonstrate what fantastic thinkers and inquirers our Grade 1s are. For our new unit the students are extra excited to learn all about space exploration!



Winter Concert

It was our pleasure to open the door to the AIS parents once again for the Winter Concert after several years of limitations. The students from all grades performed poems, plays, songs and dances which they worked on for many weeks prior to the event.

This event could not take place without the support from the parent council and volunteers running the cake sales, raffles and decorations. Thank you so much to everyone who contributed!

The Winter Concert was a successful event and we got to see performances from the PYP and MYP students, all the way from a buzzing bee play, to a mystery at IKEA. The students were guided by their teachers and definitely shone on-stage. 



ASKER International School

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