
Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main characteristics you are looking for?
Its difficult to say what the perfect make-up of a teacher is. One element that we find essential to the position is a passion for education. In a small work environment, personality and chemistry can define whether a person is a suitable candidate as much as their qualifications.
That being said a fluency of English and basic teaching experience with a focus in international education are heavily weighed in on.

How is the pay-scheme set up in Asker International School?
The pay-scheme follows the one currently applied by and in place in Asker municipality. Difference in pay is based on years experience and the qualifications required for the position.

What is life like in Asker?
Asker is perceived by many as quite idyllic, due to the fact that there is ease of access to Oslo international and Oslo city via rail. In addition to this Asker is very close to routes of escape to nature, which appeals to the masses. That being said, one should be aware of the cost of living in this area in comparison to other areas of Norway, with a special emphasis on property costs. For example an 80m2 apartment in this area costs approximately 500000euros, depending on location and condition. One can rent or buy slightly outside Asker and the prices can reduce by as much as 30%.

ASKER International School

Gamle Borgenvei 3, 1383 Asker. Tel: +47 908 90 609 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.