
MYP Personal Project

The Grade 10 MYP Personal Project marks a pivotal milestone in the educational journey of our students, showcasing their creativity, dedication, and growth. As they presented their goals and final products, the school buzzed with energy, each student's unique vision coming to life. From innovative tech solutions to thought-provoking artworks, the variety of projects reflected the diverse passions and interests of our learners. Yet, beyond the impressive outcomes, it was the journey itself that truly resonated. Through challenges and triumphs, setbacks and breakthroughs, students embraced the learning process wholeheartedly, emerging not only with tangible results but with a deeper understanding of themselves and their capabilities.

This event not only celebrates their achievements but also underscores the value of personalized learning experiences in fostering holistic development.


PYP Student Led Conferences

Our student-led conferences for the Primary Years were a huge success! 

Kids shared their learning with families, showcasing achievements and personal growth. Their families became active partners in education, gaining insights into their child's progress.

Students shone with pride, building communication skills and confidence. These conferences empowered them to take charge of their learning journey.

Thank you, families, for your support! Here's to more moments of growth and celebration!



Wax Museum

The "Living Wax Museum" project by Grade 4 students involved an engaging and multi-faceted exploration of global revolutions. The students delved into the study of revolutions worldwide, drawing comparisons and analyzing the causes and contemporary societal impacts of these transformative events.

To prepare the students for their transformation into historical revolutionaries for the "Living Wax Museum" exhibition, they learned to use Cornell notes as a tool for collecting relevant information. Throughout the process, students encountered and overcame challenges related to research and writing, showcasing their perseverance and dedication. To deepen their understanding, the students explored biographies and autobiographies, gaining insights into the lives of the revolutionaries they would eventually portray. The project concluded with each student crafting a personalized "autobiography" from the perspective of their chosen revolutionary figure.

During the exhibition, students presented their autobiographies, bringing history to life. The "Living Wax Museum" project not only fostered research and presentation skills but also instilled a sense of empathy and historical awareness among the Grade 4 participants. Well done Grade 4!


Miljøfyrtårn Certification

What a great pleasure to receive this message this week that recognizes the school as an environmentally conscious school: 

“Til Stiftelsen Asker International School

Gratulerer med resertifisering som Miljøfyrtårn!

Takk for innsatsen dere har lagt ned i arbeidet med resertifiseringen. Som Miljøfyrtårn tar dere aktivt miljøansvar og bidrar til grønn omstilling.

Deres Miljøfyrtårn-sertifikat er nå godkjent og gyldig i tre år til. I vår nettbutikk kan dere bestille nytt Miljøfyrtårn-diplom og annet profileringsmateriell for å vise frem at dere er et Miljøfyrtårn.

Om dere ønsker nyheter, tips og inspirasjon fra Miljøfyrtårn, følg med på våre nyhetsbrev, sosiale medier og nettsider. Del gjerne gode tips og ideer med oss via Miljøfyrtårns idébank.

Resertifisering er viktig for å sikre kontinuerlig forbedring og god miljøstyring. Lykke til med det daglige miljøarbeidet videre frem mot neste resertifisering!

Med vennlig hilsen

Stiftelsen Miljøfyrtårn”



ASKER International School

Gamle Borgenvei 3, 1383 Asker. Tel: +47 908 90 609 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.