Drop-off and pick up plan
Pick-up and drop-off
Driving into the playground is now strictly forbidden. Under no circumstances is it allowed to drive into the playground.
1 - Follow the traffic flow in the car park. Not having a free parking space does not justify stopping in the middle of the traffic flow area, blocking everyone else in. In front of the school there is a large parking area.
2- Do not park stop directly outside the front of the school. Dropping off or waiting for 'just a second' constitutes stopping. When one person does it, 10 others try.
3- Please use the student entrance (playground door) to drop off or collect your children. PYP students are collected from the playground at the end of the day.
4- Please any children arriving after 9 am should use the main entrance (Reception door).
Set a good example for all the children.
Inform anyone you ask to collect your children on your behalf of the traffic system.
Pick-up (collection at the end of the day)
Students will gather outside their classrooms and will be led outside by their homeroom teachers to be collected from the playground at the end of the day. Parents park in the car park.