
Videregåendeopen days in Asker and Bærum

Some recently shared information about open day in videregående schools in Asker and Bærum is detailed below: 


Åpen dag i Asker og Bærum 2019

Uke 3


Mandag 14.1.

08.30-13.00. Møte med ledelsen på Valler og informasjon om fagtilbudet vårt og skolehverdagen kl. 9, 10 og 12.



Vi har åpen dag for elever mellom kl 1200 og kl 15.30. Det vil bli holdt to presentasjoner om skolen i auditoriet – den første kl 1230 og den andre kl 1400.



09.30-13.30 Påmelding innen 11.1.


Tirsdag 15.1.






Onsdag 16.1.







9.00-13.00 med omvisninger kl 9.30, 10.30 og 12.


Torsdag 17.1.













Bli med på et spennende besøk i klasserommene på Dønski vgs. Du kan møte på to forskjellige tidspunkter enten kl 0930 eller kl 1130. 

09:30 -10:00 - Runde 1

Informasjon om skolen i auditoriet

10:00 - 11:30

Omvisning og besøk i ulike klasser og fag

11:30 - 12:00 - Runde 2

Informasjon om skolen i auditoriet

12:00 - 13:30

Omvisning og besøk i ulike klasser og fag



Ulikt innhold rettet mot de forskjellige idrettene som er på Dønski vgs. Vi prøver å legge til rette for at du får prøvd deg på en økt som er innenfor din idrett. Alle skal være med på en trening så du må ha med treningstøy ut fra hvilken idrett du skal prøve deg på.

Hvis noe er uklart ta gjerne kontakt med: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dønski Idrettsfag, breddeidrett/toppidrett generell/Bandy/Svømming: 

  • Økt for de breddeidrett og de som er glade i trening - i tillegg hvis det er noen med andre toppidretter enn de som tilbys under. Her får du sett hvordan er å gå på idrettsfag og høre om opplegget på skolen

  • Oppmøte i skolens auditorium kl 0930. 

  • Deretter økt i skolens gymsal.  

  • Utstyr: Innetøy. Dere er ferdige ca. kl 1200 

 Dønski fotball:  

  • Økt for fotballspillere og de som ønsker å se hvordan det er å gå på Dønski fotball

  • Gutter møter kl 0800 i Bærum idrettspark. Jenter kl 1100 i Bærum idrettspark 

  • Utstyr: Fotballutstyr for å være inne i Bærum idrettspark (kunstgress) 

  • Påmelding innen fredag 11 januar på mail til: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. sms 40852943 – merk med navn på spiller og klubb

Dønski langrenn:

  • Økt for langrennsløpere og de som ønsker å se hvordan det er på Dønski langrenn.

  • Oppmøte på Gullhaug kl (0830) 

  • Rolig skøyteøkt med diverse innhold


Celebrations and coding at AIS

This week at AIS, Grade 1 started with a visit to the forest where they had a great time working together to see if they could make all the numbers from 1-9 whilst using only the materials they could find in the forest. Grade 1 was also lucky to have another parent come in and share how her family celebrates the festival of Pongal. It was wonderful to hear the traditions of this celebration. 

It was a busy week for Design, the Grade 6 students used Scratch coding to create animations promoting a Learner Profile attribute. The Grade 7 students used Google Sketchup to create a 'Dream Room' for a 13 year old. The Grade 8 were challenged to create an Eco-House using Google Sketchup, see featured image.

In maths, the Grade 9 students modelled an experiment of choice, “How much time does it take to eat 1, 5 and 10 pepperkaker?” 

Finally, Soroush from Asker Treningssenter visited AIS to run a session on Crossfit. This is in connection with year 7's unit on Fitness. 

We look forward to the upcoming week, featuring the MYP concert on Wednesday!



Music, yoga and celebrations

The staff and teachers at AIS had a fresh start this week after having had two days of training and planning for the development of the school. Last Thursday, we were lucky to receive music training in preparation for delivering weekly music lessons beginning January 2019. The sessions were fun and we can't wait to introduce the music programme to the children! In one of the training sessions, MYP teachers learned the basics of html and css coding to create a website for their subject.

The Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS) Norway organise Guru Vandana to highlight the importance of honouring teachers in various fields. Last Sunday Miss Elizabeth and Mr Mark were delighted to attend this ceremony. Both were honoured to have been chosen and had a fantastic time taking part in the games and celebration. 

This week, Grade 1 learned more about Eid-al-Fitr and how it is celebrated by Muslims around the world. We’re making sure all religions celebrated and acknowledged, it is wonderful to have parents coming in and sharing with us all about special celebrations in their culture! 

In Maths this week Grade 8 found the surface area and volume of a range of objects and Grade 6 discussed the use of percentages, they had to compare different prices for items on sale.

During the PE lessons Grade 6 students took part in their floor hockey tournament in connection with their summative assessment. The Grade 9 students achieved flow in their yoga sequence summative assessments.

On Wednesday Grade 8 students met the author of Martian Dictator. The author, Øyvind Harding, is an Asker resident. The class are presently studying science fiction literature.

For Design, Grade 9 were challenged to prepare a healthy and nutritious meal to share with their classmates. Their hard work in the kitchen was evident as they enjoyed feasting on various dishes.

Grade 10 students worked collaboratively on writing a script for their short play in Mandarin this week. They will perform the short play as their summative assessment.

After an action-packed week, we are ready for the first week of December!



Week 46-47 at AIS

As we are getting ready for two full days of staff training at AIS, we can take a look back at the events happening the past few days in our school. Last week we started with a very informative assembly where Pascal Khoo Thwe, a parent of one of our students and author of 'From the Land of Green Ghosts', presented at our Monday assembly. Pascal spends most of his time in a village in Myanmar, working on development projects to promote sustainable tourism. His stories were well received from all students and we thank Pascal for joining us today.

Continuing with their new tradition, every Monday afternoon, Grade 1 visit the local forest for forest school and enjoy completing a variety of challenges. One of their last challenges was to create some animal sculptures in their house groups.

In the Maths department different grades started using the program GeoGebra. Creating shapes and angles in GeoGebra is a new challenge for Grade 6. They are working hard with their assessment in math. 

Grade 7 were joined by a guest speaker for their Design lesson. A member of DJI, Martin, visited the class to explain and demonstrate how drones work. The students each had a turn controlling the drones. It was a great experience for all students, and we thank Martin for joining us. Grade 7 students did summative assessment in Mandarin lessons this week. They made a mini-circle book to introduce a traditional Chinese festival-Mid Autumn Festival to their pen friends.

In PE, Grade 10 students trialled eachothers yoga routines followed by peer feedback. Grade 9 had a boys-only yoga session. 

Lots happening these days! Now, a little break for the students while the teachers and staff get ready for two days of intense learning.


ASKER International School

Gamle Borgenvei 3, 1383 Asker. Tel: +47 908 90 609 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.