
Week 46-47 at AIS

As we are getting ready for two full days of staff training at AIS, we can take a look back at the events happening the past few days in our school. Last week we started with a very informative assembly where Pascal Khoo Thwe, a parent of one of our students and author of 'From the Land of Green Ghosts', presented at our Monday assembly. Pascal spends most of his time in a village in Myanmar, working on development projects to promote sustainable tourism. His stories were well received from all students and we thank Pascal for joining us today.

Continuing with their new tradition, every Monday afternoon, Grade 1 visit the local forest for forest school and enjoy completing a variety of challenges. One of their last challenges was to create some animal sculptures in their house groups.

In the Maths department different grades started using the program GeoGebra. Creating shapes and angles in GeoGebra is a new challenge for Grade 6. They are working hard with their assessment in math. 

Grade 7 were joined by a guest speaker for their Design lesson. A member of DJI, Martin, visited the class to explain and demonstrate how drones work. The students each had a turn controlling the drones. It was a great experience for all students, and we thank Martin for joining us. Grade 7 students did summative assessment in Mandarin lessons this week. They made a mini-circle book to introduce a traditional Chinese festival-Mid Autumn Festival to their pen friends.

In PE, Grade 10 students trialled eachothers yoga routines followed by peer feedback. Grade 9 had a boys-only yoga session. 

Lots happening these days! Now, a little break for the students while the teachers and staff get ready for two days of intense learning.


This week at AIS

This week at AIS we have had engaged students learning about electricity, the local government and how to make slime! Here is a little summary of some of the events happening at AIS during week 45: 

Grade 1 this week had a great time making slime in science. 

Grade 4b promoted their advertisements to Grade 5b. They worked super hard on this unit and they should be very proud of themselves!

As part of Grade 5's work on government systems and decisions, we were received at Asker Rådhus by the mayor, Lene Conradi. After a lot of work on national governments, it was a welcome change of focus to look at local government and how it impacts people's lives. 

Grade 6 & 7 students enjoyed a field trip to the Teknisk Museum. Grade 6 students enjoyed a workshop activity relating to Outer Space and Grade 7 students built and programmed robots to draw. The students also enjoyed some time exploring other areas of the museum.

In Science, Grade 7 have been exploring the mysterious world of static electricity (it can even bend a stream of water). This introduces their new science unit "Electricity". 

Grade 8 students worked on their modified games in preparation for their curriculum service with a local organisation that has special needs employees. Then, they visited a local organisation that employs adults with special needs who work in a variety of fields. This gave them a chance to meet everyone in preparation for their modified games event. 12 adults with special needs visited our school to engage in a variety of activities planned and run by our students. Fun was had by all participants and it was great to see so much enjoyment and enthusiasm in the gymnasium!



Welcome back after the Autumn break! Some important updates

Welcome back to Asker International School, if you were not at SFO last week!
We had a very successful and busy start of term this year and enjoyed having the entire building to ourselves. As you know, that is changing next week. Risenga school will be joining us from tomorrow, Monday 08th October.
Our timetables have been structured in advance in collaboration with the principal of Risenga, Mr. Thomas Fredik Ruud, so I dont anticipate any problems there if everyone sticks to the plan. Mr. Ruud has met us on several occasions and has been very cooperative so we hope we will have a good relationship filled with collaborative opportunities. 
With these changes in mind, I ask all parents to be vigilant in how they are delivering their children and to remember the area will be busier from tomorrow. 
There are systems in place. All we require is that all adhere to the system for it to work. If someone else does not, do not join in. It will not improve the system nor emulate the behaviour we wish to see in all members of our school.
Important points to remember are (as mentioned in a mail on 2nd September): 
  1. Follow the traffic flow system in the car park. Do not just stop to let your kids out. Park properly and respect everyone else. 
  2. Cross at the crossing point in front of the gym. I still see people running across the road or worse, telling their children to do so. Please follow this simple rule.
  3. Do not park in the area outside the school. There is a sign clearly stating 'authorised vehicles and deliveries only'. Dropping off or waiting for 'just a second' constitutes stopping. When one person does it, 10 others try. Before 07.30 and after 16:00 is ok, but should be unnecessary. 
  4. Be a role model and an example to all children in your behaviour.
  5. At collection time - do not allow your children to sprint into the roundabout area. There is traffic going to and from the building and the area all day long. 
Thank you in advance for your attention. I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!

Internet Safety and general wellbeing

internet safety

Miss Chantale has been busy fulfilling her role as Pastoral Coordinator, going into the MYP classrooms recently to discuss such topics as internet safety. The topic of internet safety has also already been address in the parent welcome evening and in the first two school assemblies, so it is clearly an important topic to the school. 

On Thursday August 30th, Miss Chantale visited grade 6 and grade 7:
Grade 6 -  An internet safety lesson focusing on "consequences" of not keeping your personal information private online and how to report abuse.  We had a discussion on being more aware of who we are accepting online friendship from (a friend of a friend does not mean they are a friend).  We also discussed "Who can I talk to". (Posters are displayed around the school).
Grade 7 - A short lesson on "Who can I talk to".  (Posters are displayed around the school).  The children were encouraged to brainstorm any issues they would like to have a lesson/discussion about.
On Friday August 31st Miss Chantale visited grade 8 and grade 9:
Grade 8 -   An internet safety lesson focusing on "consequences" of not keeping your personal information private online and how to report abuse.  We had a discussion on being more aware of who we are accepting online friendship from (a friend of a friend does not mean they are a friend).  We also discussed "Who can I talk to".  (Posters are displayed around the school).
Grade 9 - A lesson on healthy/unhealthy relationships focusing on "exploitation".  In this lesson we discussed the difference between an unhealthy relationship and a healthy one which included peer pressures.  We also discussed "Who can I talk to".  (Posters are displayed around the school).
Subject teachers continue to bring this topic into focus in their classrooms. 
We hope parents are doing the same at home. 
image source:

ASKER International School

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