Week 46-47 at AIS
- Published in Latest News
As we are getting ready for two full days of staff training at AIS, we can take a look back at the events happening the past few days in our school. Last week we started with a very informative assembly where Pascal Khoo Thwe, a parent of one of our students and author of 'From the Land of Green Ghosts', presented at our Monday assembly. Pascal spends most of his time in a village in Myanmar, working on development projects to promote sustainable tourism. His stories were well received from all students and we thank Pascal for joining us today.
Continuing with their new tradition, every Monday afternoon, Grade 1 visit the local forest for forest school and enjoy completing a variety of challenges. One of their last challenges was to create some animal sculptures in their house groups.
In the Maths department different grades started using the program GeoGebra. Creating shapes and angles in GeoGebra is a new challenge for Grade 6. They are working hard with their assessment in math.
Grade 7 were joined by a guest speaker for their Design lesson. A member of DJI, Martin, visited the class to explain and demonstrate how drones work. The students each had a turn controlling the drones. It was a great experience for all students, and we thank Martin for joining us. Grade 7 students did summative assessment in Mandarin lessons this week. They made a mini-circle book to introduce a traditional Chinese festival-Mid Autumn Festival to their pen friends.
In PE, Grade 10 students trialled eachothers yoga routines followed by peer feedback. Grade 9 had a boys-only yoga session.
Lots happening these days! Now, a little break for the students while the teachers and staff get ready for two days of intense learning.