
Happy Chinese New Year 2019!

Yet another wonderful Chinese new year celebration at Asker International School. Miss Zhe, our resident Mandarin language teacher, worked tirelessly to prepare all the boys and girls in our MYP section. We started the day with a lovely assembly with presentations from all the MYP, who then went into our primary section to deliver some content related to the Chinese new year. 

We were also lucky enough to have a representative from the Chinese embassy visit us. He said the student presentation exceeded any expectation he had and thanked us for our work in profiling Chinese language and culture in Norway. 

zhe pic


Battle Ball in the MYP

This week at AIS, Grade 8 students took part in a teacher vs student battle ball competition. This is in connection with their service which is to raise money for a Norwegian organisation called MOT which helps people make the right lifestyle choices. Both teams battled it out while other students cheered on both teams. The score was 2 - 1 to the students but both teams put in a gutsy performance. Not only did they have fun but they also raised a lot of money for a good cause. See the image above. 

Grade 1 were lucky to welcome Susanne into school this week and she shared lots of her Space knowledge with them. The children loved having an expert to answer all their questions. They all learned so much.

Grade 4 has been working on solving two step word problems. This week they played 'Mathlympics' where the students had to work together and teach one another how to solve the problems. Once they were finished they had to show their answer and each person had to be able to explain how they got it. A correct answer earned a house point and advanced them to the next question. Fun was had by all!

Tomorrow, we will celebrate Chinese New Year and the Grade 10 students will teach the PYP students to make a Chinese knot bracelet they have learned. They have been practising to prepare for this event. 



Making masks in the MYP

This week in Art in the MYP, Grade 6 students researched about masks from different cultures to create their own unique mask inspired by a culture with a mask tradition of their choice. This week, the students started to make a paper mache model, see above. 

In Maths, Grade 10 has been solving quadratic equations to find the x-intercept using different techniques and using GeoGebra to check how the equation looks.

In Maths, Grade 7 has taking inspiration from the book “If the world were a 100 people” to investigate a country and make a poster. This week they presented their poster with many interesting facts such as, “if the the US was a village of a 100 people, then 37 people would have a dog”. 

5B have been investigating forces using a pendulum. They were investigating whether changing the weight at the end of a pendulum would make it swing faster. To everyone's surprise, it made no difference at all!

Students from Grade 6 and 7 joined Grade 2 to learn new coding skills with Scratch. There was great collaboration and the students loved learning from each other.


Homes and debates in the PYP

The third week of 2019 brought new challenges, debates and lots of learning to AIS! Here is a little bit of what’s been going on in the PYP: 

Students in Grade 2A and 2B made roofs with different materials for Minions that are moving to Norway. They tested the roofs to check if they are strong and waterproof to cope with the local environment for the unit of inquiry "Where we are in place and time", see above. 

Grade 3 had a wonderful trip to the Fram Museum to learn about Polar exploration, looking at the challenges they faced, their reasons for exploration and the tools they used. It was a fantastic day!

In learning about the American Revolution, Grade 4 conducted a mock trial between the British and the American colonists. During the trial the British and the colonists presented their arguments about whether the British were taxing the colonists unfairly and the student jury had to decide on a verdict. In Art, our Grade 4 students learned how to create an informative poster about a revolutionary and the goals of a revolution. They chose Lenin and symbols of the Russian Revolution for a collaborative exercise. 



ASKER International School

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