
Student-led conferences

This week in the PYP the students received their parents in the Student-led Conferences that took place Friday. During the student led conferences, the students were able to share their learning  with their parents. To prepare for the conferences, the students practiced taking each other around to different stations that demonstrated a different piece of learning from this year. Parents and children enjoyed an afternoon of sharing, see image above. 

The beginning of the PYP Exhibition is nearly upon us! Grade 5B, has been drafting (and redrafting) their Lines of Inquiry, based on the Central Idea "The choices we make every day impact our lives, our environment and our earth." Lines of Inquiry give the process a shape and focus. Can't wait to get started!

Grade 5A continued their musical journey, learning to play two different bars in a song. They were also risk-takers as they took part in singing Sia’s ‘Cheap Thrills. 



Welcome back from the winter break

Welcome back after the Winter Break, we hope everyone had a lovely time. During the past week, AIS run the Winter SFO where the children participated in hikes, sledding trips and even skiing. They also had indoor activities including crafts, board games and beading. Grade 3 and 4 joined other schools in a Blues concert presented at Asker Kulturhus on Tuesday, see picture above. The children and the staff enjoyed their in-school break. 

The week before the break (Week 7), most grades started wrapping up their units by working on their summative assessment. In their last PE lesson Grade 3B focused on trust and leadership and why it is important. To put the theory into practice they had to use a variety of methods of communication to guide other team members safely through the cone maze. There were some great examples of leadership in the group and some very trusting members.

In preparation to write biographies about famous revolutionaries, the students in Grade 4 worked in groups to analyse an exemplary biography to determine features they should include in their own writing. They are working on their final versions at the moment. 

Grade 8 finished their China Essays in English and Individuals & Societies. To complete their task they had to write their reflections as interdisciplinary learners. One student said: 'It was really beneficial to use my skills from both  subjects to write this essay. I learnt the structure in English and I&S gave me the perspective.' A challenging task but they have all worked hard.



Week 6 at AIS

This week, AIS was filled with celebrations of the Chinese New Year. These were led by the MYP students who had spent lots of days planning enjoyable and educational activities for the PYP students. 

The grade 1's took part in various workshops which the MYP students led. It was a lot of fun!

Grade 4 had a great time having the MYP students come and do activities on Chinese New Years with them, see picture above. 

In their forest walk, Grade 1 didn’t let a bit of snow stop them... their challenge this week was to get to the forest as there were mounds of snow on the way. Then they had lots of fun in all the beautiful fresh snow.

Service at AIS - big congratulations to grade 8 for making / selling pancakes for the school to raise money for MOT. This is an organisation that helps teens make the right lifestyle choices. Thank you to all the students that supported this great cause, lots of pancakes were sold and the kids did not mind having to queue in the snow. 



Happy Chinese New Year 2019!

Yet another wonderful Chinese new year celebration at Asker International School. Miss Zhe, our resident Mandarin language teacher, worked tirelessly to prepare all the boys and girls in our MYP section. We started the day with a lovely assembly with presentations from all the MYP, who then went into our primary section to deliver some content related to the Chinese new year. 

We were also lucky enough to have a representative from the Chinese embassy visit us. He said the student presentation exceeded any expectation he had and thanked us for our work in profiling Chinese language and culture in Norway. 

zhe pic


ASKER International School

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