Welcome back from the winter break
Welcome back after the Winter Break, we hope everyone had a lovely time. During the past week, AIS run the Winter SFO where the children participated in hikes, sledding trips and even skiing. They also had indoor activities including crafts, board games and beading. Grade 3 and 4 joined other schools in a Blues concert presented at Asker Kulturhus on Tuesday, see picture above. The children and the staff enjoyed their in-school break.
The week before the break (Week 7), most grades started wrapping up their units by working on their summative assessment. In their last PE lesson Grade 3B focused on trust and leadership and why it is important. To put the theory into practice they had to use a variety of methods of communication to guide other team members safely through the cone maze. There were some great examples of leadership in the group and some very trusting members.
In preparation to write biographies about famous revolutionaries, the students in Grade 4 worked in groups to analyse an exemplary biography to determine features they should include in their own writing. They are working on their final versions at the moment.
Grade 8 finished their China Essays in English and Individuals & Societies. To complete their task they had to write their reflections as interdisciplinary learners. One student said: 'It was really beneficial to use my skills from both subjects to write this essay. I learnt the structure in English and I&S gave me the perspective.' A challenging task but they have all worked hard.