Making masks in the MYP
This week in Art in the MYP, Grade 6 students researched about masks from different cultures to create their own unique mask inspired by a culture with a mask tradition of their choice. This week, the students started to make a paper mache model, see above.
In Maths, Grade 10 has been solving quadratic equations to find the x-intercept using different techniques and using GeoGebra to check how the equation looks.
In Maths, Grade 7 has taking inspiration from the book “If the world were a 100 people” to investigate a country and make a poster. This week they presented their poster with many interesting facts such as, “if the the US was a village of a 100 people, then 37 people would have a dog”.
5B have been investigating forces using a pendulum. They were investigating whether changing the weight at the end of a pendulum would make it swing faster. To everyone's surprise, it made no difference at all!
Students from Grade 6 and 7 joined Grade 2 to learn new coding skills with Scratch. There was great collaboration and the students loved learning from each other.