
Summer update

This is the last update for this school year. As we wrap up and head to our summer break, we can take a look at back at the last few days. 

First, we congratulate this year's House Competition winner: Heimdall!

There were 28 094 house points awarded over the course of the year which shows just how many amazing attributes our students have. Well done AIS! See image above. 

This year we have had a staff initiative based on wellness and health. We were split into teams where we encouraged, supported and monitored our activity in order to promote healthy living. Well done to everyone for meeting our goal and for being excellent role models to the students.

Grade 6's unit on States of Matter came to an end. What better way to finish than by looking at non-Newtonian fluids? Grade 6 enjoyed making and experimenting with slime and saw how it is sometimes solid, sometimes liquid and you have to catch it quickly!

We wish everyone a lovely summer break! 



Shopping in Mandarin

In Mandaring, the Grade 8 students did their Summative Assessment for this unit ---- Shopping and Bargaining in Mandarin. The students are requested to sell more than 6 items using the Chinese currency. They need to ask for the price, tell the price, bargain, pay the money and give change back. They did an excellent job, see image above. 

In technology Grade 3 have been trying out some coding. As some of our students are quite proficient, it was suggested they could prepare a lesson and teach it to the rest of the class. Sai and Thisath had the first session, helping the whole class create a game using Scratch by following a set of instructions made by Sai. It was so much fun!

For our energy units, 5A got the chance to create electrical circuits. The students experimented with series and parallel circuits. They explored what will happen to the other bulb if one bulb is in a series or the parallel circuit was removed.

Have a great last week of school!


Peacelympics at AIS

AIS hosted another fantastic Peacelympics. Grade 6 did a wonderful job running all of the stations while all students actively participated in 19 different events. Thank you to our parent volunteers (Kyle and Mette) and all our teachers for getting involved and having fun. Special thanks to Ranjani for taking all of the amazing photos, as pictured above. 

In 4B we wrapped up our learning on the Apartheid by having Miss Angie do a Q&A session about what it was like growing up in South Africa. The students asked some great questions and enjoyed expanding their knowledge and understanding.

In learning about Helen Keller, the Grade 2 students learned how she communicated even though she was blind and deaf. To help the students to understand how difficult it was for her to communicate when she was blind and deaf, they completed a fun activity outside in which they had to work in partners to navigate from one side of the playground to the other. To understand what it was like to be blind and deaf, one of the partners was blindfolded while the other partner could not speak. They had to problem solve how they could communicate without sight or hearing. This really helped them empathise with Helen Keller and understand the importance of communication.



Dyslexia Friendly School

This week, our school was certified as a Dyslexia-friendly school! We had a recognition ceremony where we welcomed the Mayor of Asker, Lene Conradi and Dysleksi Norge at our assembly on Monday morning, above is a picture of the day.

Thanks to all the parents who joined Mr Jonathan and Mr Robert for the first of our PYP parent meetings last week. Your reflections and input were really useful in helping us think about how we communicate what we do. If you would like to add your input on the subjects we discussed, please use this Google form:


ASKER International School

Gamle Borgenvei 3, 1383 Asker. Tel: +47 908 90 609 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.