
Lice - General Information



Til alle foreldre på Den internasjonale skolen

Barneskolene i Asker arrangerer en kampanje mot hodelus i uke 10 (week 10 headlice campaign).
Det nytter IKKE å bekjempe hodelus alene.
Vi må samarbeide for å få bukt med luseepidemiene som oppstår.
Etter initiativet fra organisasjonen Lusfri Norge ( har skolehelsetjenesten i Asker vedtatt å fortsette med to ”avlusningshelger” i året.

Det dere skal gjøre, er å gre igjennom barnas hår med lusekam en gang i løpet av helgen 7-9 Mars -14

Det er mange skoler over hele landet som sliter med epidemier. Setter foreldre fokus på temaet om hodelus de samme helgene, i uke 10 og 35, oppnår vi best resultat.
Koordinerte avlusninger vil sørge for at risikoen for å bli smittet igjen er minimal.
Smittede personer vil kunne ta behandling samtidig og hodelus møter vanskelige levevilkår.
Barnehagene i Asker vil også delta i denne kampanjen.

Hodelus er ikke farlig men svært ubehagelig og helt unødvendig!


Vennlig hilsen skolehelsetjenesten i Asker kommune

Its not sufficient to simply combat the effects of head lice.

We must work together to prevent the head lice epidemic occurring.

Following the initiative of the organization 'Lusfri Norway' ( the school health services in Asker have decided to continue with two de-licing events per year.

What you should do is to comb through the child's hair with a lice comb once during the weekend of 30/8-1/9

There are many schools across the country who are struggling with this epidemic. This program encourages parents to focus on the topic of head lice during the same weekend, in week 10 and 35, to achieve the best results.

Coordinated delousings will ensure that the risk of getting infected again are minimal.

Also this way those who have been infected receive treatment with those who are not, limiting any possible spread and reducing any stigma associated with the plan.

Kindergartens in the Asker will also participate in this promotion.

Head lice are not dangerous but very uncomfortable and totally unnecessary!

Yours sincerely,

School health services in Asker Municipality

How to check for head lice? (Code of Public Health)

COMBING for head lice can be performed in dry or damp hair. The two methods have different advantages and disadvantages in relation to each other, but the important thing is that you comb.

COMBING - damp hair: Wet the hair, put a towel over his shoulders and comb the entire head. Check both the towel and the comb for lice.

COMBING - dry hair: Tilt your head over a white surface and comb. Check the comb and the surface for lice.

There is a type of a lice comb with a special design called NITCOMB-M2. The comb can be purchased at the pharmacy. Feel free to also use a magnifying glass. Nits and lice will fall down on the towel. Use a separate comb for each family member. The comb and towel should be boiled or frozen after use.

Prevent the spread:

If your child has lice, notify the school / nursery and playmates to prevent the further spread of the condition. Take all extra clothes home from school. Wash or freeze the clothes. Know that everyone is doing it!

Treatment with drugs

Approved, OTC lice products can be purchased at pharmacies. Public Health (des.06, See, the Pest) recommends Prioderm or Malation as a treatment for lice. If you have a lice infection and you are pregnant, lactating or is present in children under 2 years you should consult your doctor first. The recommended treatment for this group is 'Nix shampoo'.

Follow the instructions carefully and use a lice comb as well. Combing is an important supplement to chemical treatment. It is important to check the hair daily for 3 weeks after the last treatment. Although some lice are resistant to treatment, lotions usually paralyze them for a while. While they are paralised, lice can be combed out of the hair.

It is important to remember that only those who have lice should be treated. If one treats "for safekeeping", this can lead to lice becoming resistant. The rest of the family and the people the child has been in close contact should be examined daily for the following 3 weeks.

Facts about head lice

It is spread by direct contact between people, also via comb / brush, hats and clothing.

Wingless insects that are 2-3 mm long, to varying shades of grey. Head lice cannot fly or jump.

Lives for up to 30 days and lays 3-4 eggs a day. The eggs hatch after 6-8 days.

Bites and sucks blood from the scalp, resulting in itching and irritation. The only food of Head lice is blood from the scalp.

The itching comes only after a few months. Prefers the scalp behind the ears and neck.

Nits are barely 1 mm long and sits glued to the hair shaft inside the scalp.

The eggs are oval and yellow-white / off-white and look like pearls on a string

Lice attach eggs to the hair near the scalp. The hair grows about 1 cm a month.

Eggs found 1 cm or further out on the hair, are hatched eggs or eggs that have been killed by a lice treatment.

Lice die when heated to above +60 ° C for at least 5 minutes, or at a temperature of below - 20 ° C for 4 hours. Without blood, head lice do not survive at + 23 degrees for more than 55 hours.


School Policies

The school policies will be posted on this section of the school webpage. 

Anti-bullying policy. Please click here to access the page. 

Inclusion Policy. Please click here to access the page

Language Policy. Please click here to access the page

Service and Action Policy. Please click here to access the page

First Aid Policy. Please click here to access the page

Assessment Policy. Please click here to access the page

Academic Honesty. Please click here


Anti-bullying policy

Asker International School Anti-Bullying policy (next revision May 2023. Previous revision May 2021) - Paragraph specifically related to the School environment.



Bullying is unwanted, deliberate behaviour that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behaviour is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying includes but is not limited to actions such as making threats, spreading rumours, attacking someone physically or verbally, ridicule and excluding someone from a group on purpose. Bullying can be covert or overt. The definition of bullying applies to all members of the school community.


Cyber-bullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Electronic  technology incorporates not just hardware but also software. Electronic technology includes devices and equipment such as cell phones, computers, and tablets as well as communication tools including social media sites, text messages, chat, and websites.

Examples of cyber-bullying include hurtful text messages or emails, rumours sent by email or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles.

The area of cyber-bullying is not limited to the school building but extends to into the greater community. This is because acts of cyber bullying can stem from a different environments but still have significant consequences at school Cyber-bullying is 24*7 phenomenon. 

A simple acronym that can be used for identifying bullying behaviour. Is the act:

R – Repeated (not a once-off comment)?

O– Overpowering (used to diminish someone)?

P – Planned (purposeful or intended)?


Our philosophy

All members of our school community are responsible to take affirmative action and create a supportive and inclusive environment. We want a secure learning environment and as such respond to a framework of rules and policies where we can feel confident to express ourselves, where everyone feels safe. Consequences need to be fair, balanced and based on a proper investigation. Accusation is also a serious matter and everyone in the school community has a responsibility to judge carefully before taking action. All aspects must be viewed before a conclusion can be reached. Our philosophy for action can be summarised as: Firm, Fair, Consistent.


Purpose of Anti bullying policy

The purpose of the anti-bullying policy is to help create an environment where everyone feel safe and know that their culture, ethnicity and individuality will be safeguarded. The policy is designed to help create an awareness of what bullying is and what measures should be taken.


Our beliefs

Asker International school expects students to conduct themselves in a manner in keeping with their levels of development, maturity, and demonstrated capabilities with a proper regard for the rights and welfare of other students, school staff, volunteers, and contractors.

Asker International school expects adults to conduct themselves in a manner in keeping with their levels of development, maturity, and demonstrated capabilities with a proper regard for the rights and welfare of other students, school staff, volunteers, and contractors

Asker International school believes that a comprehensive curriculum must be developed at the school that addresses such matters and helps students understand the required traits for global citizenship. Critical skills include anticipating consequences of choices, making informed decisions, communicating effectively, resolving conflicts, and developing cultural competency.

Asker International School believes that all adults in the school community have a responsibility to be aware of how they deal with events as they occur and how they speak to others in the school.

Asker International School believes that self-respect and respect for others are essential traits for individual success and the establishment of a supportive school culture.

Asker International School believes that the best consequence is one that is designed to (1) support students in taking responsibility for their actions, (2) develop empathy, and (3) teach alternative ways to achieve the goals and the solve problems that motivated the unwanted behaviour.

Asker International School believes that the bystander plays a crucial enabling role and that bystander support encourages bullying behaviour. We believe that the absence of bystander support significantly reduces the likelihood of bullying.

Asker International School believes that parents have a responsibility to educate their children as to what is acceptable behaviour in line with school policies. Students must learn that expectations of behaviour change from environment to environment.

Asker International School believes that we are responsible for everyone's welfare in the school and should never walk past what we deem inappropriate behaviour in the school community.

Asker International School believes that cyber-bullying is a significant area that extends into other environments other that the school and as such cyber-bullying constantly poses a threat to the well-being on an individual/group.

Asker International School believes that false accusation can be a strategy used for bullying another individual/group and consequences may equate to bullying in itself.


At Asker International School we:

Have ethics as a central theme in our units at the school.

Have a house system that mixes grade levels together with the intent of creating a culture of tolerance and support in the school.

Address matters that take place in the school such as bullying through regular whole school and class activities such as assemblies, circle time and club time.

Have a reward system as a parallel to the house system where students can see the benefit of positive behaviour.

Have a discipline policy to ensure that our response to unacceptable behaviour is fair to parties within the school.

Have weekly staff sessions where we have the opportunity to discuss matters that occur in the school and identify strategies to remedy these matters before they escalate.

Have a system for recording incidents related to student behaviour in an effort to ensure clear communication and overview to staff.

Have an open plan facility to increase transparency in the school.

Have open channels of communication to allow children who perceive themselves as victims of bullying to be heard and taken seriously.

A buddy system for new students to ensure that they have the opportunity to interact and adjust to their new school environment.

Teach children about the responsible use of ICT

    • Implement what is known as Tverrfaglig samarbeidssystem (TFS). The TFS is a collaborative system where representatives from different organisations discuss student welfare and development. Meetings will take place on a monthly basis. Parents, principal, school nurse are among participants. 


In the event of minor instances the teacher will endeavour to resolve the matter in the classroom without further intervention required and identify whether or not the case at hand is bullying or an invidual, isolated incident. The majority of instances should be resolved in this fashion. In the event of further consequences as stipulated above parents will be notified and possibly invited to the school to discuss the matter in further detail.

Factors for Determining Consequences

• Age, development, and maturity levels of the parties involved.

• Degree of harm (physical and/or emotional distress).

• Surrounding circumstances.

• Nature and severity of the behaviour(s).

• Incidences of past or continuing pattern(s) of behaviour

• Relationship between the parties involved.

• Context in which the alleged incidents occurred.

Examples of Consequences

• Cautioning and counselling against such behaviour.

• Participation in a guided reflection process designed to teach alternative


• Temporary removal from the classroom.

• Loss of privileges.

• Classroom or administrative detention.

• Referral to principal.

• In-school suspension during the school week.*

• Out-of-school suspension.*

• Legal action – in extreme cases official organisations may need to be contacted.


*Ref. Opplæringsloven § 2-10. Bortvising, Privatskoleloven § 3-10


Strategies for Environmental Change


• Teachers get the students to engage in activities to reflect on their behaviour. Such activities could include reflection sheets, role-play, presentations, quizzes or other.

• An annual survey will be conducted to review the school environment with a specific focus on bullying.

• Review of school policies at the beginning and end of each academic year.

• Schedule review will take place annually.

• Supervision during break times and pre- and post- school day.

• General professional development programs for certified and non-certified staff

• Parent conferences each term

• Referral to family counselling

• Involvement of parent organization.

• Involvement of community-based organizations

• Engage in community awareness events and planning sessions


References - Information specific to the TFS plan mentioned earlier can be found here. - Privatskoleloven - opplæringsloven


ADDITIONAL - School poster highlighting the steps taken to ensure a positive school environment. Originally created in October 2017 after a presentation from Statsforvalteren on changes in legislation.

Bully flow




School Nurse/Helse Søster


Asker internasjonale skole har helsesykepleier fra Asker kommune, Barne- og familietjenesten,

tilgjengelig på skolen flere dager i uken.

Alle elever kan ta kontakt med skolens helsesykepleier dersom de gjennomgår noe vanskelig, har

spørsmål eller trenger noen å snakke med.

Skolehelsetjenesten har som oppgave å tilby helsefremmende og forebyggende arbeid i skolen.

Målet er å fremme barnets fysiske, psykiske og sosiale helse. Elevene kan komme til helsesykepleier

alene eller sammen med venner eller foreldre dersom de har spørsmål eller trenger noen å snakke


Har foresatte spørsmål eller bekymring vedrørende sitt barns helse, trivsel eller utvikling, er du

velkommen til å ta kontakt.

Skolehelsetjenesten tilbyr et fast program til alle skolene i kommunen. Enkeltelever følges opp i

samarbeid med foresatte. Ved sykdom må fastlege kontaktes. Skolehelsetjenesten kan bistå med

kontakt til andre deler av hjelpeapparatet og andre samarbeidspartnere i helsevesenet.

Skolelege, fysioterapeut og ergoterapeut er også tilknyttet skolehelsetjenesten. Helsesykepleier

formidler kontakt.

Viser til informasjon om skolehelsetjenesten på Asker kommune sine nettsider

Skolehelsetjenesten | Asker kommune samt nasjonalt på Helse Norge Skolehelsetjenesten -


Helsesykepleier Nina Halvorsen



This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel: 48998746

Barne- og familietjenesten T: +47 66 90 95 00


Faste oppgaver:

1. trinn: Skolestartsamtale med helsesykepleier og skolelege. Undervisning i klassen

2. trinn: Vaksinering DTP-IPV

3. trinn: Høyde- og vektmåling. Undervisning om vold og overgrep

4. trinn: Ingen faste oppgaver

5. trinn: Undervisning om pubertet

6. trinn: Vaksinering MMR

7. trinn: Vaksinering HPV

8. trinn: Innhenting av helseopplysninger fra foresatte og elev. Helsesamtale med elev.

Undervisning i klassen. Høyde- og vektmåling

9. trinn: Undervisning om seksualitet

10. trinn: Vaksinering: DTP-IPV. Prevensjonsundervisning


Tverrfaglig innsatsteam (TFI)

Asker kommune har faste rutiner for tverrfaglig samarbeid mellom foresatte, skole,

helsetjeneste, barneverntjeneste og pedagogisk-psykologisk tjeneste (PPT). Alle barn og unge

har rett til et tverrfaglig møte. Her kan foresatte, sammen med ulike fagprofesjoner, få drøfte

utfordringer og bekymringer knyttet til barnet/ungdommen faglige, sosiale, fysiske og psykiske

helse og utvikling. Ta kontakt med en av de faste representantene i TFI ved skolen (kontaktlærer,

rektor, helsesykepleier, PPT) og be om et møte.

Ved mottaket i Barne- og familietjenesten (BFT) T: +47 66 76 85 50, kan du få:

 Råd og veiledning per telefon

 Avtale om samtale innen kort tid

 Avtale om videre hjelp fra BFT

 Videreformidling til andre kommunale og ikke-kommunale tjenester



Med jevne mellomrom dukker det opp lus på skolen.  

Skolehelsetjenesten i Asker kommune gjennomfører lusekampanjer to ganger i året- i uke 10 og i uke 35. Det er viktig at foresatte følger opp kampanjene hjemme og sjekker om barnet/familien har lus.

 Omsorgsgrupper 2024

Sorggrupper for barn, ungdom og foresatte Asker kommune tilbyr Sorggrupper for barn og ungdom i alderen 6-19 år, som har

mistet en nær og viktig person. Gruppene er gratis og går over 8 ettermiddager med 1,5-2 timers varighet.

Gruppene holder til i nærheten av Asker sentrum. Sorggruppene er aldersinndelte, og ledes av helsepersonell med erfaring og kompetanse

innen sorgarbeid. Parallelt med barne- og ungdomsgruppene vil det holdes grupper for foreldre/foresatte, med hensikt å gi økt forståelse

for hvordan man som foresatt kan støtte barna i deres sorgprosess.

Oppstart av nye Sorggrupper blir i august/september 2024 med forsamtaler for deltakere i mai/juni.

For mer informasjon eller påmelding til en sorggruppe, ta kontakt med koordinator for sorggruppene;

Silje B Solli: 47 48 43 99 eller

Elisabeth A Høybråten: 45 72 75 89

eller Barne- og familietjenesten, telefon 66 90 95 00.




ASKER International School

Gamle Borgenvei 3, 1383 Asker. Tel: +47 908 90 609 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.