
Frequently Asked Questions

Will there be vaccinations administered at the school?

There will be vaccinations administered by the school nurse (Helsesøster) in accordance with the vaccination program implemented in Norwegian schools. 

Who can my child speak to in confidence?
We like to believe that we have created a culture in the school where all teachers can be approached by students to discuss matters in confidence. It is important to note that teachers and school administrators do not have a confidentiality agreement in these cases and are required to notify all relevant parties of any matter brought to their attention. The school nurse also provides students with an opportunity to discuss personal matters in more confidentiality.

The school has also appointed a pastoral coordinator in a 100% capacity. Miss Chantale's mandate is to work closely with students to provide them with an extra channel of communication.

How are decisions affecting my child decided at school?
We have regular metings at the school to discuss a wide array of matters, including pastoral matters. We share experiences and base our decisions on observations by 2 or more colleagues. Parents will be contacted in most cases where a significant decision needs to be made. Any action taken by the school is done so to safeguard the interests of the individual child and that of other students also.

Who do I contact if I have a question or need to pass on information?
The first point of contact is the subject teacher or class teacher that your concern is about or question is for. Parents should avoid escalating matters with the administration or principal until the teacher or specific member has been presented with the opportunity to address the matter and provide feedback.

If it is general familial update or information that should be directed to administration, please contact us in the normal fashion.

Is there a school policy for birthday parties? 
It is difficult to administer a mandate for how parents conduct parties in their home after school. We will ask all parent representatives for each grade to discuss with the parents in the group to make an arrangement. 

The school recommends the following for birthday parties:

The school guidelines for birthday parties are:

We ask the class representative to make sure there is a clear agreement in place for birthday parties in their grade level.

The school guidelines (note - these are suggestion and not a mandate. People should use best judgement) for birthday parties are:

Invite all students, or groups (all boys or all girls) in the classroom, if possible.

The impact of exclusion should not be overlooked as it can be perceived as a subtle form of bullying and can consequently have a significant effect on school life.

Some parents may wish to have a smaller party for a variety of reasons. We simply request that parents take children's feelings into consideration and evaluate carefully who is asked and how they are asked. For example, excluding one from a group will have possible consequences in the school environment also. Parties should not be used as a tool to isolate individuals.

Have an agreed spending margin
Not everyone has the same disposable income nor should one assume they do. A humble present is more appropriate especially when you factor in how many parties can take place in one year.

Be aware that transport and timing may be an issue
Not everyone has their own mode of transport. Please be aware of geographic location and factor in the possibility of car-pooling.

RSVP – répondez s'il vous plaît means respond please.


Please ensure your intent to participate is clearly communicated as much preparation (food and otherwise) is necessary. 



Municipal Organisations

All information about school servcies and the different organisations at work in Asker kommune can be found at

If you reside in a different kommune, please consult their homepage.
Pedagogisk-psykologisk tjeneste (PPT)
PPT collaborates with schools and parents to identify any special educational requirement or support.
PPT is comprised of psychologists, pedagogues and other specialists skilled in assessing and identifying any support students may need.
PPT in Asker can be contacted at: 66 90 95 00

E-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Barneverntjenesten/Child Welfare
The main objective of Barnevern is to ensure that any children subjected to conditions that
 could jeopardise their health, receive immediate support.
More information can be found on

Barnevern in Asker can be contacted at 66 90 97 00

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Home-Start Familiekontak
This is a family support program for families with at least one child under school-age.
They can be contacted at 404 33 006.

Tverrfaglig samarbeidssystem (TFS) Inter.departmental collaborative system
TFS meetings will take place in school on a monthly basis and will be coordinated by the principal. The meeting is a forum for specialists and representatives from each department to discuss children's welfare and to share experience in different areas. Parents will also be invited to the meetings when relevant, to create an open forum to ensure the best support is provided.

Helseøster – School nurse


Parent Association

We would like to invite parents in for our first parents association meeting, where you will have a chance to nominate representatives for each class group and start a discussion on how the parents organisation (FAU) will operate. 

A head of FAU will also need to be nominated. 

It is very important that the FAU is established as early as possible. It is also important that the school staff and FAU share a common vision for the school and move in the same direction. 


We know it can be difficult to get here after work, however we hope parents can schedule this time into their calendars. It is important that FAU has a good representation in the school. 

General welcome and introduction by the principal.
Parents group into their respective grade level groups and nominate a class representative and deputy.
Parents regroup and nominate a FAU leader.
Dates and frequency of FAU meetings are agreed upon. 
Main FAU goals for first academic year 



Our Clubs & Societies



There is a mixture of clubs currently running at Asker International School. Some clubs run all year, some run for a period of weeks. Parents will be notified by mail.

Some are facilitated internally by the school and some have external contributors. The current list is: 

clubs 23

The school also facilitates an activity clulb during lunchbreaks for different MYP grades Monday to Thursday 12:45-13:15 hosted by the school principal

The library is also open to different MYP grades on rotation Monday to Thursday 12:45-13:15

There is also a RPG club taking place in the library at lunchtimes. A gaming club has also started up on Wednesdays. 

More to follow!


School house sessions will run on Mondays and Tuesdays from 14:45-15:30. School house sessions will be a compulsory part of school life. Year groups will be mixed and teachers will run the sessions in different interest areas.

More information about the house system can be found by clicking on this link - The houses of Nordic GODS

The school will also coordinate other clubs to run after school every term. Information will be circulated to parents via email, allowing them to sign their children up for these events. 


ASKER International School

Gamle Borgenvei 3, 1383 Asker. Tel: +47 908 90 609 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.