
December Concert Schedule

december image


Raffle tickets for the Winter Concert Raffle will be sold at school on Thursday 8th December and on the day of the concert, the 14th of December.

The price of one raffle ticket will be 20 kroner. Please bring cash.

We encourage you to bring prizes for the raffle. Something sweet or something nice. These can be left in the small meeting room opposite reception, to the left when entering the building.

Concert Start Time 16:30   Outside lunch 12:00-12:30  
Concert Finish Time 18:30   Inside Lunch 12:30-13:15  
School Day start 10:30        
Morning club From 08:30        

16:30-16:45 Grades 1,3,5,7 perform
Location: In own classroom
16:50-17:05 Grades 2,4,6,8 perform  
17:10-17:25 Grades 1,3,5,7 perform  
17:30-17:45 Grades 2,4,6,8 perform  
17:50-18:05 Grades 1,3,5,7 perform  
18:10-18:25 Grades 2,4,6,8 perform  
18:25- EVERYONE helps to tidy  
As normal - please stick to routines for everyone's sake. Please inform anyone you have invited what the parking routines are. If the car park is full, you need to use the one by Plantasjen
Other important pieces of information
Normal school rules during the day - students are not to bring sweets/fizzy drinks/other to school 
This event is for visiting parents and family members/friends. We want the students to stay in their rooms for the duration of the event. The students will have their own classroom celebration on the final day of school. 
The idea is the parents move from room to room, that is why each performance is on 3 times. 
This is the first time that we will celebrate the end of term in this fashion. This is a practical decision to factor in the changing nature of the school. 
We hope it is enjoyed by all. 

Halloween Party a great success


The parents did a wonderful job in organising and decorating for the Halloween party this year, continuing a lovely tradition at Asker International School. They had to think differently this year and come up with a new solution due to the number of students, so they re-structured Halloween celebrations into an upper school and lower school event. 

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Grade 6 also did a great job running the haunted house for the younger students, many of whom ran up to me (the principal, or Mr. Halloween as some kids called me at the party) to tell me that the haunted house was exciting, or scary, or funny!

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I would like to congratulate the parents. The volunteers were diligent, spending evenings in preparation before the event and hours on the day. Any time I saw them, they were decorating, preparing, inspecting, supervising or some other task. 

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So Happy Halloween! (a bit early, but never mind) and congratulations again to the grade 6 parents and the grade 1 parents (and any other contributor). They should take stock of the successes and take note of the challenges so next year's group can benefit from their preparation. 

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Grade 6 work on sarcophagi

Congratulations to Grade 6 on their lovely work on their sarcophogi as part of their individuals and societies lessons. They have been working hard and we have seen some very nice samples of work. 

We have attached one such example below for people to see. 

Oscar Sarcophagus


ASKER International School

Gamle Borgenvei 3, 1383 Asker. Tel: +47 908 90 609 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.