
UN day 2021

This week we celebrated UN day at AIS. The day started with a school-wide assembly where we talked about why this day is important and how we are focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals at AIS. The students and staff dressed up in their traditional clothes from each of their countries. At lunchtime, each class shared a lunch together where every student brought their favorite food from their home country. This day is very special at AIS because it brings together all the different cultures that comprise our school. 

During this week, two Grade 9 representatives took part in a Ung Motivator course in connection with the MOT program. MOT stands for courage and is a program desired to create robust youth while giving students the courage to be themselves. Students came from schools around Oslo and were there to become confident in their new leadership roles. Mathura and Mahan represented the school proudly and we are very excited to continue to build awareness and growth surrounding student well being at AIS.


ASKER International School

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