End of Unit 1
This week marked the end of our first Unit of inquiry. We are very proud of how much the students have worked during the past few weeks and how they have adapted to the many changes that we have experienced. To mark the end of the first Unit, the PYP students showcased their learning on a video that is available for everyone to watch on our Facebook page.
The Grade 5 students also received an Internet safety talk with Miss Chantale to ensure that they are aware of how to protect themselves and use their devices properly.
AIS PYP Food and Nutrition is the new and exciting lesson where the students will learn about the importance of healthy and sustainable eating habits along with Miss Eleonora. Each class will have the opportunity to visit the kitchen and learn about food preparation and then eat their creations together. Some classes have already started. 4B cooked some lovely vegan desserts with Miss Eleonora in the kitchen.