
Overnight trips

Many of our students participated in overnight field trips these last couple of weeks. The trips are intended as a way for the students to bond with their classmates and get out and be active. 

Grade 6A had a wonderful overnight trip to Sæteren Gård this week. Their trip was filled with smiles, laughter and plenty of activities such as climbing, football and zip line. Grade 6A demonstrated communication and collaboration skills while being caring towards their classmates.

Grade 9 survived their overnight trip to Blåfjellhytta! They walked all the way to the cabin and home the next day. They made food and set the tables with excellency. A great experience for all!

Grade 4A had a sleepover at Blåfjellhytta as well. The students learned how to make bruschetta, guacamole and a simple tomato sauce, they cleaned, played collaborative games, watched a movie and went on a hike. It was a great experience for all, even with the lack of sleep.


ASKER International School

Gamle Borgenvei 3, 1383 Asker. Tel: +47 908 90 609 E-mail:

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