
Students meet with the Mayor of Asker

DUK Solvang skole

Students from AIS and Miss Karoline had a really good meeting at Solvang skole with students from Solvang skole, Drengsrud skole, Jansløkka skole and AIS. They met mayor Lene Conradi and three representatives from Asker kommune (Terje Larsen, Elisabeth Augdahl, Bjørn Erik Olsen) and discussed our current suggestions for the DUK (De Unges Kommunestyre) meeting in March.
The next meeting will be some time just before February 16th, after that, a meeting before March 23, which is the final DUK meeting this year. 
Great that their ideas for a better municipality is being heard by the Mayor's office.


ASKER International School

Gamle Borgenvei 3, 1383 Asker. Tel: +47 908 90 609 E-mail:

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