Last week of School - Important Information

Due to the length of the school day on 17th December, we have elected to change the start time.
School doors open at 09:00
School starts at 09:45
There will be no morning club before 09:00
This is because the students will be on the move until 19:00, and as such we do not want children having a very early start at school.
It is also important that students have correct winter clothes for the walk down to Asker Kulturuset, and a health packed lunch. No junk-food allowed.
Morning Club - normal - 07:30 start
School Start - normal - 08:50
Lunchtime - normal - 12:00
School end - Different - 13:15
SFO end - Different - 16:00
Thank you in advance for your attention.
Please use the last week of school to encourage your son/daughter to empty their lockers and help to keep the school tidy.
Although students are excited about the end of the year, Christmas celebrations, December concert, vacation time and so on, it is important to remind them that the normal school rules still apply until and including the last day. If they are to bring in snacks to school their teacher will inform them so.
Thank you in advance for your support!