First School Day!
19th August 2013 - First day at school
What will happen?
We want to start a normal school day as soon as possible however at the same time we understand that this is a transition for all parents and children. We will be starting with a whole school assembly to welcome the students and explain the course of the day and the week.
Although we welcome parents to stay at the school, we encourage all parents to leave after assembly so students get a chance to settle down and allow the teacher to establish rules and routines.
09:00 - Morning assembly - students and parents arrive to the school and meet in the library area. They will be then showed to the auditorium where we will hold the the whole school assembly. For those who wish to drop their child earlier we will be open to parents from 08:00 the first day of school.
After morning assembly normal lessons will take place. We will finish with a club session where students will be placed in our new house system.
The school day will finish at 15:30 and after-schoo services will run until 17:00 as planned. After Monday 19th the school day will start at normal times. Students should arrive at least 10 minutes before lesson start.
What do we need to bring?
Your child will be assigned a small locker during their first day. Here they can store rain gear and extra boots. We recommend that students bring the proper equipment from the first day to establish good routines.
Needed equipment:
Indoor shoes - get them cheap because most kids end up losing them.. some links are listed below.
School bag
Rain Boots
Lunch box and drink - students are to bring a packed lunch to school.
PE training equipment is not needed for the first week of school. The first week of PE lessons will be used to get the children oriented in the area. So please make sure they have comfortable walking shoes on.
Optional extras:
Change of socks - there's nothing as bad as cold and wet feet. And kids love puddles!
Pencil case and equipment (students will have access to pens, pencils, rulers etc at school, but they will stay in school - they will require their own writing equipment at home. Copybooks and writing pads will be provided)
Lunch and snack food
It is important that the students have appropriate and sufficient food during the school day. Please ensure the packed lunch provided does not have sweet foods as we want to encourage a healthy diet plan at the school. Sweet foods refer to chocolate, candies, cakes and other such products.
Fruit or vegetables provide a suitable morning snack for children and give them the energy they need until lunchtime.
Fizzy drinks and hot drinks - Please do not pack fizzy drinks as per above. The reason we discourage hot drinks is because children have been scalded by the use of containers containing boiling water.
Information for home
- Students will receive an information pack to take home on their first day of school
- Information will also go home for ordering milk
- We are working on getting everything up to date.
- We are doing our best to make sure all our policies and systems are in place for the first day of school but we ask parents to be patient with us if we are a bit behind with some information.
Recommended links for equipment
XXL is a store that you can order from online. They have a wide selection at a reasonable price. For example:
Indoor shoes:
Rubber boots: - provide clothing at a reasonable price. provides a good range of shoes at a reasonable price.
If you are new to Norway and need some advice on where to shop - please contact us and we will do our best to help.
An update will be provided later for winter equipment. We will also try to arrange a winter sales event so parents can save a little on equipment.